What is Global Art Connections?
G.A.C. is an initiative that creates art and humanitarian projects that promote the simple but powerful theme of unity through creativity. Our projects teach children the importance of being a global citizen.
G.A.C connects kids who may never meet through the arts, in doing so, creates an awareness that though they might speak different languages, have different religions, or have different skin color, they share common bonds. They have similar fears and dreams. They may share a love of music, dance, or sports. Their family dynamic might look the same. By making these vital connections, understanding and empathy grow.
Why is it important to encourage Global Citizenship, especially with children?
We believe that in order for people to feel compassion towards what is happening around the globe today, they first need to feel connected.
Our projects teach children to see the similarities in others, not the differences. Children still have an open heart and an open mind. Prejudices that impact willingness to interact with those who are different are not yet fully formed.
G.A.C. believes that by teaching children to be global citizens, those same principles can be utilized in their day to day lives. If we teach children to be empathetic towards strangers, these life skills can be applied within their own community, which then creates a more cohesive environment.
How does G.A.C teach this?
G.A.C. creates unique, thematic projects that teach children to look beyond their insular world. We start by asking children specific questions that have them reflect on their own lives and how they see love in their community. We have them paint, draw, and artistically express their answers. Using high impact mural art, G.A.C. brings to life the collaborative dreams of children in a specific community with peers around the world. Through our work, we have found that there are many common denominators when children are asked how they see love, showing that there is more that unites than divides. We colorfully and vibrantly bring to life the dreams of children.
Why a mural?
Murals are a vibrant way to share and beautify a community with high impact art. The National Endowment of the Arts says, “When people of a community are actively engaged in creating the artwork that beautifies the environment in which they live, they can see their hopes and dreams.” When children are involved in creating murals, it gives them pride and ownership in their neighborhood as well. The voices of the world’s children and the expression of their dreams is also incredibly empowering. We believe this is a wonderful way to heal the world!