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Lisa McCarthy has a vision...


It is her goal to connect people from different cultures through the arts, expressing the simple but powerful theme of unity through creativity.

She has spent the last 25 years, helping people overcome challenges. Whether it was during her 21-year career working for a highly successful law firm as a head Paralegal, her years working with educational scholarship foundations, her work in the international art world, through the words of her writing, or her humanitarian work in third world countries, Lisa has been actively making a difference.

McCarthy believes that it has never been more critical for people to think and act globally. Lisa creates and collaborates on projects that promote global citizenship. McCarthy’s skill set is a unique approach to solving problems and uniting people, one that has been highly effective for over two decades.  She has seen first hand that there is more that unites than divides.

Lisa creates artistic and humanitarian projects that promote global citizenship and connects people who otherwise would never meet. She uses innovative ways to colorfully bring to life people’s visions and dreams through the arts. 

The beauty of what Lisa has created is that it can be done anywhere with people of all age groups, ethnicities, and social/economic backgrounds. 


Lisa has a unique way to bring together talented people with a similar vision. She can immerse herself into a community and capture the needs, dreams, and hopes. With that information, she is then able to create a project that brings to life the vision of the community through beautiful colorful artwork.


Lisa strongly believes in the importance of global citizenship and the ability to heal through the arts.

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